Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Blog Stage 4: 1st Amendment Under Fire Federal Judge Rules Township Residents Can’t Mention Muslim Or Islam

In an article by the RedState, 1st Amendment Under Fire Federal Judge Rules Township Residents Can’t Mention Muslim Or Islam, talks about how a town in New Jersey, in a settlement offer for 3.5 million dollar, the officials agreed that during the public hearing for the settlement, townspeople cannot talk about Islam or Muslims and how a lawsuit is being filed against it due to it violation on freedom of speech. The author, under the username, Juliphant, talks about how the judge who ruled in favor of the Islamic Community in the area is "either must have been an Obama appointee or on drugs, perhaps both" They then go on and talk about how this is a violation of freedom, since apparently the Islamic Society there has tons of anti-Christian and anti-Semantic practices and how the federal judges are abusing their power and the townfolks are unable to stop them. This is a fine article for the intended Conservative audience who saw the title and take the author's words as fact (which we can't do since the author does not show why they should be trusted since they are writing under a username with no credentials) The author makes sure that she is connecting her story, but it falls apart when comparing it to other story. CNN posted an article about the same New Jersey town to pay $3.25 million in lawsuit over mosque, but they talk about how the city changed laws and discriminated against the Muslims in the first place. So while Juliphant's article was technically right and most likely written to raise people's attention about lack of freedoms, they forgot to include both sides of the story and biased it to make Muslims seem like the problem.

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