Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Blog Stage 5: Trump and Putin

Even since Donald Trump has been elected to the Presidency, there has always been the constantly running story about how much were Russia and Putin involved in this. FBI and CIA established that Putin was very likely involved, while Trump talked about how this was just Democrats complaining about the election results and said (or more accurately tweeted) "Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: "In my opinion, it is humiliating. One must be able to lose with dignity." So true!". Now call me crazy, but when I have the two biggest intelligence agencies tell me that they is a good chance that the leader of a foreign county and that leader used to be in the KGB in the First and Second Direcorate where he was trained to lie and deceive people, I wouldn't trust them when they say they are innocent. But hey, I am not the president and maybe he has other information that no one else knows. But wait, two weeks later, Trump admits that Russia was involved in the hacking, weird, wonder why no one told President Trump this earlier? I understand that President Trump has a responsibility to maintain relationships with other countries, it is just weird that he is so friendly with a country that the President admitted tampered with the election process, lied to the President, yet when they met at the G20 summit, Trump described the meeting as an honor. That is why the Russian sanction bill is such a big deal, and seemed like an easy piece of legislation to get through. Russia escalated tension in Ukraine and Syria with use of military force and for cyber attacks on America and for that the United States will punish them for that, simple right? Apparently not to Trump, who signed the bill after it went through the Congress with about 5 people voting against it (out of 535 people), but Trump still complained about how this is unconstitutional and takes away the rights of the Presidents. Well President Trump, you need to decide what is more important, your buddy Putin or the United States of America, you can't have it both and until that is decided, the Trump Presidency is always going to be remembered with the Russian interference

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